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What is MGTOW?

So you are wondering what is MGTOW, you are in the right place! Maybe you heard this word being thrown around by the news, it stands for Men Going Their Own Way, it's a group of men that have had enough of female nature and unfair divorce and child support laws. This movement is the answer to the Me Too movement and Feminism, female empowerent movements that have complete support of the governments, leaving men to ask a woman for consent in engaging in sexual activities, otherwise if they change their minds they could accuse you of raping. From here men decided to don't interact with women, somebody decided to go monk mode, and never interact with a female again, others are willing to have short relationships. The different paths of MGTOW. In the MGTOW community we have different ideas, but not conflicting because every man has a different path, some decide to don't interact with women at all, called the monks, this is the lowest risk and highest reward lifestyl...

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Why join MGTOW?